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Curaed App


Design an interface for a medical application that is used by a caregiver, for a patient with an illness that requires medication. Create a logo and tagline to work along with the prototype.


Curaed is a medical application for caregivers taking care of breast cancer patients. The application gives the caregiver the ability to track medication, schedule medication times and appointments, contact healthcare providers, log nutrition, and track pain. The design features a cheerful yet calming blue with a deep raspberry colored logo to reference breast cancer. The logo combines a heart with the idea of home and hospitality. The name Curaed comes from the Latin word curae meaning to care. With the recent increasing trend of caregiving within families, Curaed’s tagline, Caring for Generations, combines the idea of Pzifer’s long company history with the idea of generational caregiving.

‍User Interface
App Design
Tools Used
Adobe XD
Adobe Illustrator

XD Prototype of Curaed
note: all pages are not functional
click here if prototype doesn't load
Video of prototype
Curaed loading page
Loading screen
Curaed menu
Home screen
Curaed Medical Page
Medication page