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Best Western

Plains All American Rebranding


Redesign a logo for Plains All American in black and white and using four Pantone Matching System colors. Create an identity system using the redesigned logo on business cards, letterhead, and envelope.


Plains All American is a pipeline company in the gas and oil industry. The companies current logo features a side view of a pipe with a wheel ontop. The redesigned logo incorporates the pipeline with imagery of the American plains. The colors use a four PMS color process, with a screening of the different PMS colors. The interior colors of the fields and mountains feature vibrant greens and blues to reflect the plains landscape. For the identity system, the mountains and sun element from the logo is used across the system. On the business card and letterhead, the mountain imagery is screened to allow the brand to be carried throughout, without distracting from the typed information that may go on top.

Print Media
Graphic Design
Tools Used
Adobe Illustrator
Panera Thumbnails
Plains All American logo redesign compared to existing logo
Panera Thumbnails
Plains All American Letterhead
Panera Mockup
Business Card Mockup
Panera Mockup
Identity System Mockup