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Panera Vegan Soup

Servall App


Create a UX/UI system for an electronic restaurant table menu that is ADA compliant. Create branding and company name for the product. Created
in two parts, Servall 1.0 was created with a design team, Servall 2.0 was redesigned individually.


The name of the company is Servall, inspired by the serval, a wild cat known for its fast speed and unique patterning. The logo reflects the serval’s patterning and the movement of the spots reflects rising to the challenges of the needs of the users. The purpose of the product is to serve all people by following ADA compliant laws. The device is designed for a coffee shop business model, but is easily implemented into any foodservice business. The design team designed a UI that is focused on the users’ experience from login to payout.

Servall 1.0

The original design of the prototype was created as part of a team UX project and featured bold and bright colors, with whimsical elements and icons. Servall 1.0 was featured at the student presentation for Trideum’s 2020 UX Rising.

Servall 2.0

For the redesign, the prototype was expanded upon streamlined to feel more corporate. By streamlining the design, it allows companies to easily imagine how their menu items and color scheme could be incorporated. The icons have been simplified for easier readability. The color scheme was created using neutrals and greens to convey the feeling of balance and calmness. Indicators were added to the navigation to include sound and tap for assistance button to provide customer quicker accessibility. The menu icons were changed to images, which a company can change to better reflect its menu and offerings.

‍User Interface
App Design
Tools Used
Adobe XD
XD Prototype
note: all pages are not functional
click here if prototype doesn't load
Video of prototype
Setting page, first page viewers see when they log in
Food page, customizable to companies menu and products
Servall 1.0 with original color scheme and layout
Presented at the Trideum's 2020 UX Rising