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simauthor Web Design


Create a website design for the company SimAuthor. SimAuthor offers flight data analysis and visualization software. The current design is a one- page website with sparse information about the different products offered. The client also wanted a design that allows the website to target different clients and markets.


The modern and sleek web design follows the style guide of the parent company Perspecta using its color scheme and typography. The design features bold hero images in black and white to show strength to show the details of the mechanics of aviation. In order to create a website that targets different markets and clients different versions of the website were created for the C-130 Hercules, KLM, and C-47 Chinook. Each version features imagery tailored to the client and featuring photographs of their aircraft. To access the different versions, a sitemap was created for the SimAuthor client to access and direct their prospective client towards. By offering unique versions of the website, it makes the prospective client feel valued and allows them to associate their aircraft with the SimAuthor brand.

Web Design
User Interface
Tools Used
Adobe XD
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator

Prototype of website click on prototype to scroll down.
click here if prototype doesn't load
Home Page
Product Page for FlightViz
Mockup of website