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The other side

The Other side Branding


This is a print media project that worked in connection with a typography class. The two classes worked separately as teams but collaborated and shared designs. The business, typography, and color scheme were previously chosen by the typography group, while my team worked on the logo, slogan, mascot, and exterior design.


The Other Side is a fast-casual coffee shop and eatery with a drive-thru that focus on health and quality ingredients, with an Art Deco influence.

Final Design

The logo features an Art Deco inspired container with flowers and herbs inside. The mascot for the company is a peacock with Art Deco geometric shapes to represent the feathers. The exterior design features the mascot and logo with the peacock feathers as a patterned background for siding on the building.

Print Media
Tools Used
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Panera Thumbnails
The Other Side Logo
Panera Thumbnails
Exterior mockup graphics and signage
Panera Thumbnails
Coffee cup mockup